Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: Tesco, Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tesco, Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow

On Saturday evening, June 13th, we were at Tesco Extra, Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow.
After having a reasonable wander around, picking up items we don’t really need, we gravitated toward the check outs.
Spying an almost clear checkout, we approached and began to empty our basket. However, the check out assistant directed us to the self service area under the guise of it being quicker. He was quite insistent. Normally, we try to avoid him as from previous visits we know he can never be bothered, and he always tries to fob you off, even when you have few items.

So, at self check out, as well as the groceries, we have two DVDs. We put the items through and attract attention of the staff member who is assisting the self check-outs who detags the DVDs as my partner pays. However, she doesn’t give one back…
I ask her for the DVD, to which she insists, “I gave it to you”. “No, I don’t have it”, “well I definitely gave it to you”; I look in bag, no, not there. I reaffirm my position. “Sorry, but I don’t have it”, “well I definitely gave it to you”; repeat three times, with her tone growing ever more accusatory. I was beginning to think that perhaps I had taken it, hidden it, and was now in a state of denial.
Finally she looks down and sees the DVD box under her nose. “oh, there it is” she says, handing me the plastic box dismissively and walking off without so much as a mumbled apology.
Naturally, I’m appalled.
What has just transpired was a face off between a customer and an incompetent shop assistant who in no way should be dealing with the public. I have worked in retail before and I acknowledge that errors occur, but to take such an attitude without checking your facts is unthinkable. My partner and I looked at each other in quiet disbelief.
When I returned to say that I thought the exchange was quite unnecessarily rude and complain that there was not even so much as an acknowledgement of fault on her part, or hint at an apology; she snorted “well obviously I’m sorry” or some other too little, too late, too damn rude platitude. “I will make a complaint about this”, “fine, do that” she replied rather sneeringly.
In short, she was rude, unnecessarily confrontational in manner, and unrepentant.

Additionally; recently when in the store, increasingly I find it necessary to weave in and out of staff who walk steadfastly onward with little concept of the respective purposes of customer and shop assistant.
It seems to have become the normal practice to block the “drop off” point with trolleys, particularly on Saturdays, making it extremely awkward to drop off my elderly mother. I have mentioned this problem to staff who have little interest in this inconvenience.
Lastly. Despite being on a main cycle route, I haven’t seen any evidence of the presence of cycle parking. Which, given the assumed environmental credentials of Tesco, surely flies in the face of provision for customers and facilities for employees.

Needless to say, Tesco will no longer be benefiting from my all too often impulse buys. Nor will they benefit from my essential shopping, nor that of my family, nor my partner’s family.


Blogger Dalg said...

Hope you complained to a manager. No doubt they would have showered vouchers on you as an apology.

16 Jun 2009, 12:00:00  
Blogger Stuffed Badger said...

You tell 'em! Bastards!

Plisp - a moronic retail operative in need of a kick up the arse.

17 Jun 2009, 07:54:00  

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