Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: The world, linux and old monitors

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The world, linux and old monitors

Another beautiful morning. There's a nice layer of cloud in the distance, just over the Campsie Fells, adding a transition between city, hills and sky. Bit chilly again, but who cares. I'd rather have zero degrees and this view than five degrees and the city wrapped in a dull grey duvet.
As the number of linux installs on my new desktop machine mounts up, I can now discount Fedora 10. It all seemed to install fine until it got to the "reboot your machine" after which nothing would work. This is probably down to the still piddling amount of memory the creature is trying to cope with. By the time it gets to the kitchen it has forgotten whether it went there to feed the cat, make some tea, or just put the light out.
Additionally, my other monitor (AOC LM727) which was living in the loft space for a while, seems to be as ill as it ever was. Seems the problem of it switching to black screen after a few seconds is fairly common and due to oxidation of the solder points on a couple of inductance coils. So that's stripped down and now I just need to locate my soldering iron...


Blogger Stuffed Badger said...

You can borrow mine if you want :-)

14 Jan 2009, 09:14:00  

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