Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: Touch of cat...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Touch of cat...

I'm not sure if it's the cat allergy or the sulphite allergy.
no cat + wine = breathing issues
cat + no wine = breathing issues
cat + wine = breathing issues
no cat + no wine = no breathing issues
have cat, maybe had last bottle of Superbock last night...

This made running for the train, all 50 metres of it, something of a long term recovery programme.
Trying to kick my compulsive bike bit shopping disorder. I'm finding it difficult to come up with any reasons not to buy the “upgrade” for my forks. Who wouldn't want a lockout facility?
Save save save....


Blogger Stuffed Badger said...

Maybe Santa could help you out with your bike bit shopping list ;-)

lesses - the plural of less

17 Nov 2010, 09:42:00  

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