Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: slithering with snails

Thursday, October 04, 2007

slithering with snails

Went out for a couple of beers (glasses of wine darling) after I signed up for a couple of months pounding at the gym. Apparently I will be attending 3 times a week to sort out my LARD accumulation problem. It can only be a good thing because right now I am getting rather rotund. On the Brightside, the accepted calculations of BMI still claim I am in the normal region, what the figures don’t see is that my legs arms and head are not fat. The cylinder suspending itself about my middle is crying out for a tattoo saying either Dunlop or Yokohama. Running on slicks is a slippery slope for sure. It rained a lot today and as I came home a large number of snails saw the rain as a time for a mass exodus. Most were heading from the grass verge to the kerbside, whilst some seemed to be heading back to the verge. I can only imagine they were doing widths. I saw one, perpendicular to the others, a show off lengths man no doubt. The weather here changes fast, those pavements dry up. That chap (snail) will come a cropper. Didn’t see any dead animals today, not even snails.
Nice relief.

A snail, last night


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