Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: Cloudy with showers clearing for a chilly future

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cloudy with showers clearing for a chilly future

One day we will be able to access all our information remotely from wherever we are…
We will call them clouds… Sigh…
As far as I’m aware, we don’t have matter transportation yet, and the super fast characters they have in so many fantasy films don’t actually exist. Couple to that the dangers of “putting all your eggs in one basket” will so many people really go for this?
Advantages are probably the impact it would make on manufacturing. If machines have less components they should be cheaper, lighter, and less power hungry. So the required quantity of all those hazardous and expensive elements and compounds that they really don’t have a substitute for can be vastly reduced. Good for the environment. Of course there is a downside. What about security? Internet crime? Identity theft? Do you really trust the government? What about personal files? What will be the cultural impact of this? Will we become like a bunch of adolescents trying to protect our diaries, hoarding our USB or SD RAM cards in secret locations. You would have a huge repository of personal data and accumulated knowledge in a remote location. That sounds safe doesn’t it? My website servers are located in New Orleans. Down-time there during the hurricane was minimal, so that doesn’t really prove my point but what if a more targeted disaster were to befall these proposed servers…


Blogger Stuffed Badger said...

You should have a look at The Register - there are always articles about targeted disasters (sometimes called engineers) accidentally deleting clouds.

31 Oct 2008, 09:02:00  

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