Thursday 11th Jan 2007

These buggers to the right were partly responsible for me not sleeping. not just the barking, but the dread fear of the toothless bigger one to the left running into me and breaking every bone in my body. Yic!
Tonight was existed on a bottle of Borba, quite nice, Portuguese, and 13%. Our watching pleasure was derived from Kids in the Hall series 1, disc 3. This had the excellent pyromaniac faux French employee and of course the judiciously delightfully decadent Dr Seuss bible. Music has so far been supplied by Interpol and Sigur Ros. I have to admit, and this is with complete sincerity, there is something amazing about the album Bgutis Byrun, it brings your emotions into stark focus. Sometimes, I have been confused about the really important things, and I have set myself up on paths which, in retrospect, were best left. I mean for the benefit of the path and the walker. Sigur Ros have consistently dragged me from an illusion of happiness to a realisation of what I really need. Sometimes you fool yourself into thinking that that biscuit will make you happy, when you really need to get you ass moving and challenge yourself. Obviously, I’m not referring to biscuits at the moment, but seeing as I am in Portugal right now, and their biscuit, snacking market is heavily under developed, if you later see a similar post, mentioning biscuits, it’s safe to assume that literal interpretation may be applied as, whilst homicide is out of the question, right now I might easily be spurred on to verbal abuse or minor violence, should it furnish me with a Tunnocks caramel wafer. The specific tracks have been: Interpol “C’mere”, “Evil”, “Untitled”, “Obstacle”, “Hands Away” and “The New”; Sigur Ros tracks are Svefngenglar Sleepwalkers and n2 Battery New Batteries. Hey Satan (I don’t know!!!) from Takk; How to Swim, “A Little of Orgasm of Disappointment”.
The wine is good, it’s 23.50 and I am so clock watching. Phone call at 12.05. I have work to do. I’ll get on with that for now.
Nicey nicey zoo zoo
We likes phone calls we does.
Velvet Acid Christ, “We Have to See, We have to Know” I love the way this track starts off like a mournful siren. The implications of this are huge!
VNV “Standing”
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