Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: The Annual Ironic Guy Fawkes Celebration

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Annual Ironic Guy Fawkes Celebration

It’s that time of the year when we celebrate the fact that someone’s plan to blow up the houses of Parliament was foiled by blowing things up. This means that the country becomes even more of an explosion hazard than it usually is from about late September until the middle of November. The funniest part is the proportion of these that are set off during the hours of daylight. So it’s obviously kids letting these off, and I really hope it isn’t adults who are firing rockets (mortars to them) at me as I drive by. What right thinking sane person wouldn’t like to sell explosives to children? What special kind of mental thinks year in and year out that the list of people damaged by these things is acceptable?


Blogger Stuffed Badger said...

It's always the same - sensible and acceptable count for nothing when there's cash involved.

6 Nov 2008, 09:14:00  

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