Big shoes and prat falls
Having a terrible day. That whole disempowered thing. Not actual, just percieved. It's enough though. Trying to get work done here, but it's not always so easy. I guess humour for me is a very personal taste and Big shoes, cats chasing the spot of light from a laser pen and dogs licking their testicles don't really count so well with teh humour stakes. Squeaky voice overs and sproing noises are indeed the daily bread of the likes of Jeremy Beadle, and it would seem lots of people find it funny, but it just makes me look at people and wonder about garden sacks, freezers and alternative uses for wood chippers. I know I'm grumpy today, but really.
try this:

See what I mean? Just not funny. I found the image on the web and they were described as "wacky". M'lud, need I say more? the prosecution rests.
Bright side, I got a nice parcel fom the old country containing a tonne of cup a soups in various varieties, some lovely crispy croutons, two new scientists, some Tunnocks Caramel Wafers, some fruit bars from Jordan and a DVD of Alan Davis :o)
Actually, looking at that lot, what am I whining about. Thanks Badger!
try this:

See what I mean? Just not funny. I found the image on the web and they were described as "wacky". M'lud, need I say more? the prosecution rests.
Bright side, I got a nice parcel fom the old country containing a tonne of cup a soups in various varieties, some lovely crispy croutons, two new scientists, some Tunnocks Caramel Wafers, some fruit bars from Jordan and a DVD of Alan Davis :o)
Actually, looking at that lot, what am I whining about. Thanks Badger!
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