The JCB dream
I awaken about 4 am and hear a lot of traffic. This prompts me to look out of window and I get caught for 5 minutes just watching the cars go by on the dual carriageway, surprised at how many there are. There is heavy rain and the cars plough through water as they race up to East Kilbride or down towards Glasgow. Then from the Glasgow direction I see a tracked JCB digger moving at about 50 kph whilst the cabin is rotating at a steady speed as the main vehicle follows to road. The digging bucket is positioned about half a metre from the ground and when it has gone past my position by about 20 metres, it veers to the right, the crosses the central reservation, the bucket gouging the earth as it goes. It then climbs/digs out of the road into the estate and still rotating crashes through the wall of a house, entering the house. I can hear it progressing for a few moments and then I run downstairs to get everyone upstairs to safety. There seem to be rather a lot of people in my living room. I borrow a phone to dial 999, call speak to a knowledgeable officer. There is more, was more. Sadly, it is unravelling as I type.

It were one just like this one wot did it ossifer

It were one just like this one wot did it ossifer
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