ho hum...
yesterday was the festival of St Joao. Like most festivals this has the unwritten (that I could find) requirement that everyone eats too much and gets drunk. Which, now that I look at it written, I can't see any personal conflict with this at all. They also have the quite implicitly stated hitting with squeaky hammers, which all sounds a bit Tiswas to me, but what can you do except lock the doors and draw the blinds and wait for it to go away? The dog was on fine form again last night and has perfected its "suffering the torment of Hades" one third ineffectual bark one third mournful howl and one third hellish squeal. These all emit from the rather compact canine unit as though each aspect was fed into a mincing machine then onto an amplifier with some slight pitch bend, then to a speaker devoid of lower frequency response. It finally hits the air running with a horrible racket that sounds like a dog being fed into a cement mixer. Send seditives!!! if I can't get the dog to eat them, I'll take the buggers myself.
Oh and fireworks, why oh why oh why do people let them off when you will never see the pretty colours? obviously their only purpose is noise. stop it. you are all driving me insane.
Oh and fireworks, why oh why oh why do people let them off when you will never see the pretty colours? obviously their only purpose is noise. stop it. you are all driving me insane.