Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: April 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Symbolism thy name is Arse

Ok weird dreams abound.
I obviously can’t remember the full actual dreams. That started to wither quite quickly.
Key points I remember:

I’m in a large building it looks like Glasgow central station but serves another purpose. I am part of a larger group. We have key-cards for access to the main and tertiary doors. SB and I are walking through the corridors (can’t remember why). There are guards, we skip into the bathroom to avoid detection…

SB and I are somewhere in isolation, I’m a bit pale and not a happy bunny.
SB – “You know we can make it ok again”
CF – “How?” (feels own neck for pulse and there is none, despair)
SB – Takes out container which is enclosing a heart. She touches it and for a moment it begins to beat.
CF – “But if you make me alive again I can be dead again”
SB – “Yes, that could happen”
CF – Around my hand (MY HAND??) there are lesions in the skin and I have some rather sharp scissors and make the wounds bigger
It fades and I am conscious again, SB directs me to feel my own pulse. My heart is beating. I take note of the miracle that has occurred and decide to not go running again.

On a street in front of a large train station which is about 150 metres behind me. On my right there is a record shop. I go in. The Wedding Present are playing live in the store, something from "Sea Monsters". I speak to someone in Portuguese, he understands (this proves it’s a dream.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hello reader.
Sorry if I have neglected you, but truth to tell I have been exceedingly lazy of late. I will attempt to supply you with a quick summary of what the fat old feesh has been doing. Don’t expect high drama.
I am indeed heading back to Scotland. Flight date is May 15th. The weather has finally started to improve here and making such an effort as to over shoot comfortable by about 8 degrees, it was 35 in the shade for mid day!
Last week I went to Lisboa to see LTJR and it was all too brief. I saw them again on Tuesday and as if that was not enough, again on Friday. Of the times, Friday was best. They sparkled there. I have been something of a social butterfly, finally socialising with some of the ERASMUS students all of whom are very nice. Tonight I went to Fabrica do Som and foolishly stayed late at the pre FdS bar and missed Dream Metaphor.  Unhappy face because this musical entity makes some very nice sounds. I did manage to see Oxygen which was very nice. Both have myspace places and I will come back and add a linky.
I made a small mp3, 80 mins, of nicey industrial electro stuff which has the following track list:

Forgotten Tears
Resurrection Resurrected
Something I Should Know
The Bomb
Kathy’s Song
Call the Ships to Port
Meine Liebe
Not My Saviour
Here and Now
She’s Unreal

This probably contains some repetition as it has some favourite tracks, what can I do. Ok
8:30. bedtime
Nighty :o)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

lesson 24 - Execising after a prolonged break

Running 4 km after no work out for 6 months hurts.
Walking downstairs and sitting on low seats is the worst, landing with all the grace of a large goose crash landing on an icey loch. Squating is NOT an option! (note the subtle programming of your psyché, sneaky, huh?)
Ouch ouch ouch! My thighs are oh so ouchy.

Next to me is a lab hot-plate and it's making the most bizarre steady rocking creaking noise. It sounds like a sailing ship moving with the waves. It's actually very relaxing. Might have a quick snooze.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Memory Jogger

Finally got my arse out of the house and went for a run. I planned a route which is probably very short, but I’ll try and calculate how far via Google earth. Wore the heart rate monitor and tried to keep it below 175 bpm. I also took the GPS for when I get lost and confused; this was a definite good idea, as I did get lost. Music was by Combichrist and was driving and inspirational and probably responsible for a max rate of 190!! I walked for a bit until it came down.
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, although I’m not sure how that goes if you survive a nasty collision with a truck, unless you are Jamie Somers.

Rubbish I’ve been watching includes:

Blake’s 7
Bionic Woman

Good stuff I’ve been watching includes:

The Mighty Boosh
Top Gear

Non Judged stuff I will watch includes:

Lost Series 1

Mainly listening to:

The Dandy Warhols
The Brian Jonestown Massacre

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday update

Last week was a little intense and at times weird. Fridays seemed good, but got a little weird and by Saturday I was facing going to the first football match I have attended since I was 8 years old. It was fairly enjoyable. Some skill was evident but so also was some shirt pulling and the other usual misbehaviour. As I said, enjoyable, but for me the ideal of spending an afternoon welding or doing some engine work seems more rewarding.
Sunday, my friend in Guimarães left to return to Germany and that was quite sad. No more coffee breaks. No more carbonara where I get all her bacon. C, I’ll miss you tonnes. Make sure you stay in touch. So here I am, feeling a bit sad and a little isolated. I too am on the countdown and finish in the lab on May the 2nd with my return on the 15th of May. Need a plan!!!
Need to get fitter again. I have slid into a pit of uncared for lard and need to start energising this corpse I call myself. Time to get those running shoes on! Oh the dread, the dread.

C, I meant to give you a heap of DVDs but completely forgot. I will get your address and post some stuff to you. All the best.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Should really do this as I had a reasonably good weekend.
Friday we went for dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Guimarães. Then to Coconuts (Bar), then to Convivio. Got home about 6 am. :o)

Saturday, during the day I managed to slip in the shower and smack my forehead against the wall, on the tiled corner, just above my left eye . This hurt and, after I’d stopped swearing, I had to go and have a little lie down with a frozen hamburger on the rising bump.

Then I went through to Braga to see Laibach.

The last time I saw them in Glasgow, it wasn’t very good. This time they were fantastic. I think the seated arrangement suited the content of the performance. I took a couple of short movie files (big files) and some photographs, a couple of which are below. They had a guest singer, I have the name, will post when I find. She had a beautiful voice which might even make me more susceptable to opera. Scary

After that I went to Insolito, where sadly the music wasn’t so good, but it was nice to see some familiar faces, including the owner who has always been very pleasant to me, This time i even managed to speak to him for a bit, nothing major, language skills are shameful, but I even surprised myself.

Waning around 5am, I decided that €25 for the cab wasn’t such an issue and was home for around 6.

I’m now in the last 5 weeks of my residence time in Portugal and intend to cram as much as I can!! So, next week… :o)

Sunday was a bottle of vinho verde and a film, Stardust. Now, I am ashamed to admit that this happy ever after tripe was very pleasant to watch and only a few times did I actually feel sick. Particular the coronation scene at the end. You have to bear in mind that I've been watching a lot of Blake's Seven so can't be trusted to be objective at this point.

Watched "Control" afterwards. The perfect antidote to any film intended to make you feel good. If it was earlier, I'd watch "Stardust" again...