Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: February 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

bad karma! that'll teach me for doing good. ok it wasn't that dramatic but...

Busy weekend we had yes. Car is due for its yearly health check. Knowing of some areas needing attention, I went to work. For twelve hours I stripped body parts off, attacked the car with a knotted wire brush and dug holes where holes wished to be dug. I then cut patches of metal and welded them in place. Made a good job too. Put it all back together and rested for a bit. Then drove home.
Whilst on the motorway, I was reminded that I had sprung the bonnet. Sadly it was not a sudden remembrance that appeared in my head. It was the bonnet smacking against the windscreen. Meaning I had to move to the hard shoulder and bend the damn thing back down. So, karma? Hmmmm. I spent all day doing good, to be smacked down by something bad. I know that karma is meant to be a balancing thing. But rather naively I assumed it was retribution for the bad stuff you do.
Paper is submitted. Time will tell.

pray for me children, pray for me.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

IT support, the forth emergency service…

Another late night.
You know that feeling when you have to commit to something? I think the phrase is “publish and be damned” and you know if you do, you will. There is just something about the whole thing that puts you off. You look at it, and you just don’t feel right. Well, that damn paper was doing that to me. The introduction was the last part that was ever so slightly bugging me. So here I am, tapping away at a quarter to three in the morning wandering around like some ghost (the ghost of what, God knows) wearing a black t-shirt with a weird DNA design on it, a pair of plaid trousers, socks too big and extending the length of my feet by a good 7 centimetres, 3 inches in old money, and a woollen beanie with a fish on it, I wander periodically about to prevent the onset of deep vein thrombosis and to stop reading the same sentence over and over. To finish off, I am listening to Icelandic experimental rock on my lovely MP3 player which was my favourite toy this Christmas. Everything else is just a stick in the spokes.
It is done. I have burned the CD ROM and will do no more. unless...

Last thing, and this is genuinely mad. I got a call in the library the other night. Someone needed help with a program that had been installed. They were following the instructions on an email, which at the end told them that if they had any problems to call the help desk on; x9999. But of course, as we all know, the first 9 gives you an outside line, and here in the UK the others get you the emergency services who as far as I am aware don’t yet offer IT support…

Monday, February 20, 2006

day two. feeling obligated

I feel obliged to put some vital information here. But no vital happenings have happened today to induce the production of vital information. I have finally finished an article which has been hanging over my head in some form or other for a VERY long time. Thankfully, it doesn’t actually look like the original anymore. But even so, I have another to do and the turn over had better be much faster.
I have just thought of some vital information! The next episode of the Channel Four series "The IT Crowd" is available to download. There is also some info about the program, just in case you don’t know it yet. This week’s episode is an absolute masterpiece, completely fantastic.

Oh, in case you don’t notice, the character Moss was in The Mighty Boosh’s “Nanageddon” episode where he had an excellent ramble about “The crunch.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

First post, Sunday all asleep I think.

woo, this is weird. I know this is the norm for a million and three people out there, but this is strange to me. I'm far more used to sending out emails reacting to the insane decisions that management make, maybe this will keep me out of trouble.
Today, Sunday, I'm in the uni library looking out over the tables and computer screens with no one in attendance at either. a few people seem to be wandering around randomly setting off alarms and such like, looking a bit like those motorised pretend robot things you get that just wheel around denting furniture looking like people in a library on a Sunday morning. Forgot phone today and realised that I have no idea of friends' phone numbers even those I have known for years. I now realise that if I were kidnapped by aliens and had just escaped the mothership, no matter my level of ingenuity, the compliance of alien children or the adaption of their alien equivalent to "Speak and spell", I would be sitting there asking for an intergalactic telephone directory. Although, I'm not really sure why I should worry about this, after all, who knows the dialling code for Earth anyway? I'll have to ask the kids.