Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: January 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

holiday spirit

so I looked out of the window on Thursday morning. Raining. This brought a weird sense of joy as the water was liquid! Cycled into work. was fab. bunny hopped Clint (specialized tricross) over several lumps of ice, got there alive.
Friday is holiday for me. 3 day weekend, result.
bottle of Berberana and so to bed.
Still reading Neil Gaimen. slooow reader, good book.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Death in Vegas - Dirt

This has bugged me for a while. At the start of the above track there is a section of live vocal. during this, it is announced that "it's a free concert from now...". This annoys me, as you would already be there and have paid. Were they giving refunds? Doubt it. Hmmmm