Tocsin! getting alarmed about not much: March 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010


It's friday and I feel a little bit drained. on the bright side, last night I had a look at some OS maps I got last week and weather permitting I am looking forward to getting out on the bike and exploring. :o)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jargonised Bullshit

So, I was in the car today, Radio 4 was on and they had some soft piece about gyms and keeping fit and the effect the economy is having on the leisure industry. This all sounds dull enough except they had some idiot describing unfit people as "deconditioned" and people who are run ragged by their day to day lives as "time poor". Really I truly despair. I have major issues with the implementation of such rubbish as the clear English campaign, but at that moment had they arrived, they would have come into view astride on white shire horses, their heavily armoured steads glinting in the late winter sun. The perpetrators head would have later rested on a spike at the city gates.

Sadly he just rattled on and on more steaming odorous nonsense.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The centre of the universe is you

I've been stumbling from situation to situation without plan or any wish being ticked off or dealt with recently. That's not to say I'm having a terrible time, just that I really need to focus and get stuff done with some preparation and time to digest the world around me.
So I will draw up my personal list of stuff and then try to edge my way toward that being the focus rather than work. As I do not exist to work. this is a bit of a babble and needs some clarity, so I'll work on that and get back to you...

Monday, March 01, 2010


why, when at the station for a prolonged period of time, do trains sit there with the bloody doors open? It's minus 2 out there ffs!