Well, an interesting week. Starting last Saturday night with a very satisfying DJ set, included Velvet Acid Christ and Lemon Jelly, in Tasquilado in Guimarães followed by the theft of my CDs. Sunday was weird with much soul searching, anger, frustration et cetera which coalesced into a poster campaign with myself and others putting up posters offering a reward for the CDs’ return on Monday. Nothing…
Tuesday, reported the crime to the Police, who were very nice. Then put more posters this time with the added incentive of a fast buck or the offer of €100. Not a lot of money considering. I was going to put €200 straight off, but was dissuaded by local knowledge. Phone call and meeting in scary place at midnight and two vinyl CD cases were in my possession, and €100 was decidedly not. I should add, my phone number was in each case, so these were returned due to uncomfortable pressure, by so many people asking and greed. I am not sure the pressure alone would have been sufficient.
So, tonight, another short spin on the decks and I have the request that should I recognise the kids who made the exchange, I should point them out to the bar’s rather bury owner. I think were I to do so, some talking with fists, and no glove puppetry here my friend, would be on the cards.
Thanks to all who helped me, who translated my posters into Portuguese, who accompanied me to the Police station, who asked everyone to keep an eye and ear out and of course the chap who came to the stadium with me and made sure I wasn’t just mugged for the money.