I see dead peo, erm, dogs...
Should something be happening?
Last night, it was hot as hell, not very comfortable at all. I was writing through the night, like an inspired bleeding heart author, or an alcoholic tabloid hack.
so, I had the window open, desperate to see some of the stale air, which has the same quality as that gust of hot air that fills your lungs when you open the oven door. It’s about 3 am and I have Snackie mooching around the apartment as it can’t sleep in this heat either. I turn around to see the stupid sod climb onto the window sill, ready to step out onto nothing but air and perhaps the promise of landing on a cat. It’s possible that it was suicidal, if I had its life I think my grip would be tenuous at best.
So, I grab the dog who, I should mention, weighs nothing at all. I know it’s small, but you still expect a full bag of groceries to weigh something. This dog, at least as big as a few sacks of potatoes, and yet weighs no more than a malteser. I did consider maybe it was my sanity that had left again, and the dog was imagined, hence no weight.
Other people have seen it though, or have they?
Might explain why it didn’t eat the dog food.
Might explain why it never brings the ball back, or indeed actually interacts with it.
Might explain why the bone thing has not a tooth mark on it.
So? The question is:
Is it a light dog?
Which would be ok, but still, it’s a VERY light dog. No mass at all.
Is it my imaginary friend?
And I’d have to ask, why did I imagine it with fleas? Mental maybe, but depraved?
Is it a ghost?
This is the one I’m going with just now. It satisfies all the criteria of howling, hellish racket making haunting. This would explain the lack of need of food and water and, It’s would be permitted to have fleas as that is a condition peculiar to it and not idiosyncratic of my weird residual dog image.It also means I can sense the paranormal, and surely that’s a talent just crying out (haunting pun!!!) to be used on a CV.

Labels: Snackie in the square