Last night's ramblings
Before leaving for the lab this morning, I found a classical music channel on the radio. Seeing as most popular stations play utter bilge, turns out the song I REALLY hate is by Shikira or whatever the overly soulful bint’s name is. I found this out after I failed to suppress my scream of angst when someone played it in the lab. Oops…
So, I have Mozart just now, which is nice. And it is having this that makes me realise that if it wasn’t for the logistical support of the food parcels, I would have declined into an almost cave dwelling like existence by now. What I do have is at very least like a very long camping holiday, with regular helicopter drops, and a bakers; and an off sales. I’m sure you get the picture.
Tonight I have chicken soup served with garlic croutons , followed by pasta a finale of carrot cake with custard for dessert, served I should add in the same bowl that the pasta came in, but such is life. If it wasn’t for Mozart and the fact I am writing this on my laptop, my existence would be quite wretched. Equally, given that I have custard, if I wasn’t separated by such a distance from those that I love, it’d probably be ok too.
Afterwards I shall have a bath.
Given that the shower head doesn’t actually reach the bracket mounted on the wall, I have had to start taking baths in order to remain socially viable. This is annoying as apart from one lapse of judgement last year which caused me endless torment and grief, I could previously proudly claim that I had not had a bath in five years.
I’ve been here just three weeks and even averaging over the previous five years of abstinence, the amount of bathing in which I have partaken would seem boastful in some areas of my home town.